Introduction : the sound of reading calls us home
pt. I. The power of reading aloud. 1. Why we must read to and with our children ; 2. The four keys to helping your child become a lifelong reader ; 3. Supporting your child's reading life : frequently asked questions ; 4. Landmark books
pt. II. What to read aloud at every age. 5. How to read aloud ; 6. The chronological "when" : the reader's ladder ; Birth to age two : beginning the magical journey ; Two to three years old : leaping toward understanding ; Four years old : loving the story ; Five years old : balancing challenge and comfort ; Six years old : forging connections ; Seven years old : opening up to the world ; Eight years old : creating ideas ; Nine years old : asking questions, shaping answers ; Ten years old : exploring new horizons
pt. III. The emotional "when" : fifty essential themes. 7. How to make the best use of the fifty themes ; 8. The fifty themes : all the best books for the moments that matter most. Adoption ; Appreciating the natural world ; A bad day ; Bath time ; Becoming someone who loves to write ; Being yourself ; Birthdays/growing up ; Building the world of family ; Building, making, and creating : the world of mechanical things ; Building peace, confronting war, and talking with your child about world events ; Bullying and hurtful people ; Caring for someone ; The challenges and joys of siblings ; The complexity of sharing ; Coping with illness ; Courage ; Creating community ; Creating theater : making plays and scenes together ; Creativity ; Cultivating a sense of time and place ; Death ; Divorce ; Falling asleep ; Feeling a sense of justice : changing the world ; Feelings about school ; Feeling silly ; Heroes ; Journeys ; Learning new things ; Loneliness ; Loving art ; Loving history ; Loving music ; Loving numbers ; Loving science ; Loving sports ; Loving words and language ; Making a mistake ; Making friends/friendship ; A new baby ; Overcoming adversity ; The power of grandparents ; Pondering the world ; Savoring food ; Spirituality ; Separations ; Sleepovers ; The value of your imagination ; Your body ; Your own category
Conclusion : blueberries, silvery moons, and a purple plastic purse