From the Book - First edition.
Part I: The technological challenge
Disillusionment: the end of history has been postponed
Work: when you grow up, you might not have a job
Liberty: big data is watching you
Equality: those who own the data own the future
Part II: The political challenge
Community: humans have bodies
Civilization: there is just one civilization in the world
Nationalism: global problems need global answers
Religion: God now serves the nation
Immigration: some cultures might be better than others
Part III: Despair and hope
War: never underestimate human stupidity
Humility: you are not the center of the world
God: don't take the name of God in vain
Secularism: acknowledge your shadow
Ignorance: you know less than you think
Justice: our sense of justice might be out of date
Post-truth: some fake news lasts forever
Science fiction: the future is not what you see in the movies
Education: change is the only constant
Meaning: life is not a story
Meditation: just observe.