Up to speed / Rae Armantrout
The pearl fishers / John Ashenbery
Golgotha local / Amiri Baraka
from Zero Star Hotel / Anselm Berrigan
Injunction / Frank Bidart
Ballad of the comely woman / T. Alan Broughton
What I threw into the grave / Michael Burkard
Opposed glimpse of Alice James, Garth James, Henry James, Robertson James and William James / Anne Carson
On the screened porch / Elizabeth Biller Chapman
Lullaby for cuckoo / Tom Clark
Corpus delicti / Peter Cooley
Traced red dot / Clark Coolidge
Long after (Mallarme) / Ruth Danon
Midsummer / Diane di Prima
Moon cornering / Theodore Enslin
O Patriarchy / Elaine Equi
Animals out of the snow / Clayton Eshleman
Drones and chants / Norman Finkelstein
To a student who reads "The second coming" as sexual autobiography / Jeffrey Franklin
Independence Day / Benjamin Friedlander
Surreal love life / Gene Framkin
Carried across / Forrest Gander
Beginning with a phrase from Simone Weil / Peter Gizzi
The gold star / Albert Goldbarth
Affirmation / Donald Hall
TCAT serenade: 4 4 98 (New Haven) / Michael S. Harper
You: should e shoo be / Everett Hoagland
Poem (across dark stream) / Ronald Johnson
Broken world (for James Assatly) / Joseph Lease
Felix culpa / Timothy Liu
On Antiphon Island / Nathaniel Mackey
And even you elephants? (Stein 139/Titles 35) / Jackson Mac Low
Perfect front door / Steve Malmud
Address to Winnie in Paris / Sarah Manguso
Butter & eggs / Harry Mathews
The quarry (1-13) / Duncan McNaughton