Introduction : supernatural horror in literature / Stephen Jones
Foreword : notes on writing weird fiction / H.P. Lovecraft
The tale of the German student / Washington Irving
Markheim / Robert Louis Stevenson
Who knows? / Guy de Maupassant
The invisible eye / Erckmann-Chatrian
The torture by hope / Villiers de l'Isle Adam
Ms. found in a bottle / Edgar Allan Poe
What was it? / Fitz James O'Brien
The middle toe of the right foot / Ambrose Bierce
The wind in the rose-bush / Mary E. Wilkins-Freeman
The yellow wallpaper / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The recrudescence of Imray / Rudyard Kipling
The hands of karma (Ingwa-banashi) / Lafcadio Hearn
The burial of the rats / Bram Stoker
The red lodge / H.R. Wakefield
The captain of the Pole-Star / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Villa Désirée / May Sinclair
The voice in the night / William Hope Hodgson
Novel of the white powder / Arthur Machen.