From the Book - Revised and expanded edition
The church spreads across the empire
Constantine favors the christians and inaugurates a new era of church history
Worship, faith, and life in the early church
The final victory over paganism
Pope Leo wins a great victory for papal primacy at Chalcedon
The popes and Franks join forces to create a new unity: christendom
Hildebrand's revolution makes the popes supreme in christendom
The papal monarchy at its zenith
Church and society in western christendom
The aristotelian invasion
The decline of the papal monarchy
The papacy survives the great schism and puts down conciliarism
The church falls to reform itself in time
Luther splits christendom
Calvin makes protestantism an international movement
The Catholic Church recovers its spiritual elan
The challenge of the new thought
The church torn by internal strife: Jansenism and Gallicanism
The French Revolution shatters the Church of the Old Order
Pius IX says "no" to the liberal catholics
The syllabus of errors squelches the liberal catholics
Pio Nono carries ultramontanism to a grand triumph at Vatican I
Social catholicism and christian democracy
The church moves out to the whole world
The popes of the twentieth century
The resurgent liberal catholics ring down the curtain on the post-trent church at the second vatican council
The sound and fury of renewal
The bark of peter in stormy seas (1976-1989).